Gestalt therapy

Gestalt therapy is a holistic therapy method that encompasses people physically, emotionally, as well as mentally and also embraces their environment.

The habitat of a person with her/his environment is a homogeneous, inseparable entity, in which everything stands in movement and in relationship to each other. Accordingly this is the basis of the gestalt therapeutic processes in the psychotherapeutic relationship.

Valued encounters between the therapists and the clients which occur through the contact in “here and now”.

The content of the dialogue, as well as the pitches of voice, posture, breathing also receive special attention.


This allows diagnoses and understanding of different patterns evolved during crises situations. Awareness is formed by how people create and maintain these adapted patterns. This is a good basis for changes in the present, new perceptions and widening your own scope of action.

The protected therapeutic setting provides the possibility of trying out new behavioural patterns and reactions to them, which extend the self-feeling and behavioural repertoire.

Thus allowing people to gain back the ability to take over the responsibilities for their own life and existence, and obtain more freedom through choice.



Get in touch


Joint practice
Wickenburggasse 15
1080 Wien

